Commercial Vehicle Auctions

Used truck auctions

At TransportDirectoryPages we are aware of the global success of online auction sites; therefore as TransportDirectoryPages has developed we have catered to the markets needs in providing an auction service for used trucks and other commercial vehicles to be sold on. This will allow dealers or individuals to place used trucks, trailers, vans, tractor units and various other vehicles on our site for a specific length of time. During this time potential buyers may have the vehicle inspected and exportation options explored, before placing a realistic bid. Obviously, come the end of the auction the highest bidder will then purchase the particular commercial vehicle, providing that he has meet the sellers reserve price.

TransportDirectoryPages also has a rating and feedback system incorporated into the service to allow buyers & sellers to leave comments relating to a specific sale.

Auction benefits

Some of the benefits to be considered with the auction service may be
  1. Quick Sale – Most online auctions have a fixed time period eg 10 days, this allows potential buyers time to research the product, make a decision and bid. Providing the vehicle being offered is a good standard and the reserve price is fair, there is no reason for it not to sell.
  2. No time restraints - Potential buyers are able to bid anytime 24/7 from around the world.
  3. There are no geographical constraints – Made possible as TransportDirectoryPages can help you locate and contact various vehicle inspectors, exporters and escrow services throughout the world.
  4. High number of bidders – Because TransportDirectoryPages attracts a lot of traffic on its site, it makes sense that there would be a high number of potential bidders.
  5. High number of sellers – Because there is a high number of bidders this encourages more sellers and therefore more competition. The whole business model then becomes more valuable for all participants.

When searching for vehicles that are currently in an auction you can do so by vehicle type e.g. curtainsiders, and artic truck and also by manufacture such as Man, Daf & Kenworth.